St Albans Greens a whisper away from 5 councillors

In the local elections on 2 May 2024, Juliet Voisey retained her seat in St Peters, while Lucy Swift and Damian Gaskin came within touching distance of a win in Clarence and Batchwood respectively.

Juliet got over 900 votes, and gets 4 more years as a councillor. Lucy got over 1200 votes which would normally be enough for a win, but was pipped by just 100 or so votes. Damian was just 42 votes short in a nail-biting contest.

Meanwhile Labour gained two and the Conservatives lost one. As a result, the Green & Independent group of 4 is now the second largest on the Council.

Full results are on the Council website.

In the Hertfordshire Police & Crime Commissioner election on the same day, the Greens’ Matt Fisher won a very respectable 10% of the vote.

Across the country, Greens had another great night of results. There are now over 800 Green councillors. Hundreds of new members have joined the party.

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