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Councillors, achievements and policies
DISTRICT Councillors

Simon Grover
Simon is the Green group leader on St Albans District Council. He was first elected in St Peter’s ward in 2011 and has been re-elected 5 times in a row. He is also our MP candidate, gaining over 3,000 votes in 2024.

Juliet Voisey
Juliet was elected to represent St Peter’s ward in 2023, and re-elected in 2024. She runs the local Greenpeace group and volunteers with countless local organisations in the St Albans area.

Matt Fisher
Matt has been a district councillor for Clarence ward since 2023. He is a Keep Britain Tidy ambassador. He runs his own photography business and formerly served in the police and the navy.
St Albans District Green councillors and campaigners have achieved a lot, working with the community and the Council, campaigning for change and bringing in new ideas that are making St Albans and district a better place.
We are part of the largest opposition group on St Albans Council, and we hold the Lib Dem administration to account, standing up for fairness and transparency.
Our achievements include:
- Got Council to develop to a ‘right to grow’ policy for unloved patches of land
- Won a reprieve for market street traders threatened with huge fee increases
- Campaigned vigorously for the Local Plan to avoid building on the green belt
- Helped to save local sports club from Council cuts
- Co-founded Wilder St Albans – a district-wide biodiversity project
- Campaigned to save hundreds of trees from being felled
- Launched huge petition to reduce abstraction from River Ver
- Initiated Council’s programme to support Syrian refugees
- 4 new disabled parking bays at St Albans station
- Motion passed at Council to back a 20mph district-wide speed limit
- Public meetings on climate change and other issues
- Monitored air pollution levels
- Got Council to back more action for cyclists and walkers
- Got electric taxi scheme going
- Switched Council planting to more perrenials, saving cash
- Got hundreds of solar panels put on leisure centres
- Helped residents oppose oversized developments
- Got Council to switch to renewable energy
- And much much more!

Would you like:
- A society that puts people first and works for the common good
- A planet protected from climate change now and in the future
- An economy that gives everyone their fair share
- A publicly funded, publicly provided NHS free at the point of use
- Affordable and secure homes for all
- A public transport system that puts passengers first
- Sustainable local communities
- Open and accountable decision-making
Greens have the right policies
We have affordable practical ideas for all areas of policy.
Greens are a serious part of political life
We campaign widely and mean what we say. Our support and membership has soared and we are involved in decision-making at hundreds of councils across the country.
Greens are electable
We’ve had elected district councillors in St Albans since 2011. The Green Party has 4 MPs, Scottish MPs, London Assembly Members, Members of the Lords and over 800 principal authority councillors.
If you share our vision, vote for what you believe in
Go to Green policies for Hertfordshire local elections
Local policies for St Albans District
Local economy
We will:
- Promote local buying and food projects
- Support local businesses
- Promote adoption of the Living Wage
- Encourage ethical business practices
Affordable housing
We will:
- Demand that 50% of new housing is affordable
- Insulate all homes that needs it
- Cut the number of unoccupied homes
- Work to ensure all homes are of acceptable standard
Sustainable travel
We will:
- Develop a joined-up travel strategy
- Make walking and cycling safer and more attractive
- Promote affordable and integrated public transport
- Adopt a 20mph limit in all residential streets by default
- Install on-street electric vehicle charging points
Climate change
We will:
- Combat air pollution
- Promote renewable energy and energy efficiency
- Produce a district energy plan
- Fund an Energy Reduction Officer
- Aggressively pursue local net zero targets
Waste and recycling
We will:
- Support, promote and enable recycling
- Promote a ‘reduce, re-use, repair and recycle’ programme
- Develop a district-wide zero waste policy
- Work with local retailers to cut down on packaging
- Tackle urban and rural dumped waste and pursue offenders
We will:
- Protect communities from harmful development
- Preserve our city’s historic character
- Do everything we can to protect the Green Belt and open spaces
- Make it simpler for people to install renewable energy
- Encourage low-carbon building, retrofit and redevelopment
Green spaces
We will:
- Improve local green spaces and promote biodiversity
- Protect and plant trees
- Promote local gardening and food growing
- Discourage loss of front gardens
- Provide more allotment spaces where there is demand
Democratic decision-making
We will:
- Make council language clearer and more understandable
- Be open and accountable
- Make sure consultations are genuine and easier to understand
- Give local people a direct say in certain spending decisions
Children and young people
We will:
- Help children to attend nearby schools
- Open youth clubs and advice centres
- Work to make services accessible for children with specific needs
Health and social care
We will:
- Improve facilities for people in vulnerable circumstances
- Develop a strategy to make neighbourhoods inclusive and accessible
- Improve help for carers